The inability to reintegrate into society leads to the hardening of criminal mindset. Whye Kee did everything right during his first incarceration. He was determined to turn over a new leaf while in prison, enrolled in prison school, studied hard and obtain good results. However, reintegration into the community was difficult and that led him to develop a animosity towards society. Faced with rejection, he soon succumbed to his old ways and was arrested and sent back to prison repeatedly.

There are several schools of thought on criminal justice systems. The retributivist school advocates the philosophy of “an eye for an eye” whereby the punishment of the offender is meted out according the harm that was done. The consequentialist school on the other hand, sets up punishment as a deterrent to anyone contemplating criminal acts. A third school of thought involves incapacitation, which involves removing the offender from the community so as to prevent him from committing further crimes. Finally, the rehabilitative school believes that criminal acts were carried out due to certain circumstances and that improvement of those circumstances will lead to a reformed person that can return as a contributing member of society.

Whye Kee’s experience in prison was likely a combination of all four schools of thought. The challenge, however, lay in the reintegration into society, of lack thereof.